Reason - Sauce ft. Vince Staples (TOP DOG ENT)

Behind The Scene (BTS): Creative Director/Producer: David Wept Reason - Sauce ft. Vince Staples (Music Video) Stylist: Thavy Yin @moderngyps...

Behind The Scene (BTS):

Creative Director/Producer: David Wept
Reason - Sauce ft. Vince Staples (Music Video)

Stylist: Thavy Yin @moderngypsy
Director/Edited/VFX: @freeomarjones
DP: @franklinspov
Color: @jalob 
PD: @byhaleybowman
VFX Clean Up: @sergiimashevskyi
Casting: @dvcasting
Production: @at.lasproductions x @topdawgent
Garment (Custom Varsity): @kailumieres


"An unjust law is no law at all. A system cannot fail those it was never designed to protect."


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